Tek-Iz Makine Founded
Tek-Iz Makine was founded as a family owned business to manufacture spare parts for the textile machinery
Graphic & Printing Industry
Design and manufacturing of Screen printing machines, hot air, IR, and UV Curing Systems begins
RND Ltd. Founded
RND Ltd. was founded to focus on R&D projects for the industrial use of IR and UV technologies
Exploring UV for hygiene. A field that has long been in our radar. Projects & Cooperation with Universities in full gear

Cutting Edge Services
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An Introduction To RND
RND Ltd. is established in 2010 as the sister concern of the family owned group company m/s Tekiz Makine Sanayi ( www.tekizgroup.com ) which has been the symbol of more than 70 years of tradition in the manufacturing sector since 1948. Tekiz started to serve the graphics and printing industry with the design and manufacture of screen printing mold preparation machines, screen printing machines, roll-coating systems, hot air, infrared (IR) conveyor drying tunnels, ultraviolet (UV) curing systems in the early 1980s. .
Tekiz Makine Sanayi continues to manufacture standard products for the screen printing industry. RND Ltd. carries our experience of more than 35 years in the design and manufacture of Hot Air and IR Drying and UV Curing (Traditional arc lamp UV curing systems and LED UV) systems one step further, with the R&D, design and manufacture of drying systems that can meet the latest technological advances and changing needs of different industries. RND continues to work in areas such as wood, narrow web, digital, glass printing, application and drying/curing of Nano Coatings and UV-curable powder coating lines.
With a decision taken in 2015, studies on the hygiene and sterilization advances of UV were made a prime field. R&D, design and manufacturing studies started primarily on food safety, surface and air disinfection in environments brought us to our recent. The Pandemic has caused a significant focus on the new range. A range of UV-C Surface and Air Disinfection Equipment designed and manufactured in compliance with the latest standards in Biocidal Products Not Containing Active Substances that are registered with the “Communiqué on Biocidal Products without Active Substances” has become our recent.
Other Products and Technologies the Company is engaged with can be listed as follows;
- Showcasing Systems that are used in Museums for the protection of historical heritage. Fixed humidity devices to preserve organic works at a constant humidity in the sealed showcase, electromechanical lock systems, offset hinges and window sealing wicks are among the productions of our company as components for the museum industry.
- Bespoke Industrial R&D Projects and standard solutions for Screen printing mold preparation machines, screen printing machines, drying/curing tunnels and systems with hot air, IR and UV technology, conveyors, special solutions for the food industry and UV-C and IR hybrid conveyor systems
RND also has extensive experience in solution development, problem-solving, product design, R&D, and manufacturing.
RND is active in the European Union and domestic R&D Grant Support Projects. Having successfully completed Two MANUNET, Two TEYDEB domestic R&D Grant Support Projects RND has One MANUNET and Two TEYDEB Ongoing Projects.